Preparing the interview

Congratulations on being selected for the interview stage!

Your experience, attitude and knowledge are essential at this stage, but keep in mind that it is also very important to prepare and do a little research to better understand what a company may be looking for in you.

Some suggestions

Do your homework

An easy and fluid exchange of information between you and the interviewer is important, so do not forget to do your homework and pepare appropriately for the interview.

To do so, try to get to know about the company beforehand, about their organizational structure, their services, their culture and values.

On the other hand, it is also useful to know in advance the description of the job you are applying for along with possible challenges that you may have to deal with, since it will help you identify and understand what the company may need from you and to show that you are prepared to deal with any situation that may arise.

Use those experiences that you have had before to prepare for the questions that you may have to deal with.

Try to think of questions that may arise, not only from your experiences in the workplace but also about goals, motivations, areas of improvement, expectations and holes in your work history.

When you are preparing the questions do not forget about the following, as these are the 10 most common questions during job interviews:

  • What is your greatest strength? Examples?
  • What weakness or points of improvement do you have?
  • Why have you decided to change jobs?
  • Describe how you are.
  • Why do you want this job?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • How do you handle stressful situations?
  • Describe a difficult work situation and how and what you did to overcome it.
  • What motivates you?
  • Which are your medium and long term goals?

It is important to prepare examples of true stories that demonstrate your ability to be the selected person.

Be positive and relaxed

Feeling positive and relaxed makes us present ourselves with more security and confidence. It is normal to feel nervous before an interview, so trust yourself and your abilities.

First impressions are very important, so try to be there on time, or even a little early, to avoid unexpected problems that may upset you.

If you need more information or assistance to prepare an interview do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help.

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