Is the dream job a fallacy?

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Dream job

Would you like to know what is the dream job of people worldwide?

In November last year, the company Remitly published a study: Dream Jobs Around The World in which they show, through Google searches, the dream jobs in each country. To get this data they asked the famous search engine «how to be « and these are the results:

The professions of Pilot and Writer are the most searched for by far from the others with 930,630 and 801,200 searches respectively. Next on the list we can see that people prioritize being Dancers (278,720) over being Youtubers (195,070).

The Youtuber/influencer profession tops the list in Spanish-speaking areas such as Latin America and Spain. Dancing, on the other hand, is most popular in African countries such as Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria.

Being a pilot is among the most highly valued in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK, where pilots can earn between £88,000 and £168,000.

Within the science sector, being a teacher or psychologist are the most searched for on Google. And not too surprisingly, there are 57,540 searches for «how to be a footballer» in Cape Verde.

Although we are missing many variables such as age, whether the search is about performing the profession or a complementary training, how many people perform this job in the country and socio-political context; the data obtained have led us to reflect on a much more abstract concept that is the «dream job».

Why do you have a dream job?

The idea of a «dream job» is something that has been instilled in us from a young age. We are often encouraged to pursue careers that we are passionate about and that will make us happy. However, is the dream job a fallacy? Is it possible to find a career that will bring us the level of happiness and fulfillment that we have been promised? In this blog post, we will explore this idea further.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that the concept of a dream job is subjective. What one person may consider their dream job may not be the same as what someone else considers theirs. For some people, their dream job may be one that is creative and allows them to express themselves, while for others, it may be one that provides them with financial security and stability.

However, the idea of a dream job is often oversimplified. We are told that if we pursue our passions and find work that we love, we will be happy and fulfilled. But the reality is that even the most fulfilling jobs come with their own set of challenges and drawbacks. No job is perfect, and every career path comes with its own set of ups and downs.

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Expectations and reality

Another issue with the concept of a dream job is that it can lead to unrealistic expectations. We are told that we should strive for perfection and that we should settle for nothing less than a career that fulfills our every desire. This can create a sense of pressure and anxiety, as we may feel that we have failed if our job does not live up to our expectations.

In addition, the pursuit of a dream job can also be limiting. It may cause us to overlook other opportunities that could be equally fulfilling and rewarding. For example, we may be so focused on finding a job in a specific field that we overlook other industries or roles that could provide us with the same level of happiness and fulfillment.

So, what is the solution? How can we find fulfillment in our careers without falling into the trap of the dream job fallacy? One approach is to focus on finding a job that aligns with our values and provides us with a sense of purpose. This may involve identifying the things that we are passionate about and finding work that allows us to contribute to those areas.

Another approach is to adopt a growth mindset. Instead of fixating on finding the perfect job, we can focus on developing our skills and pursuing new opportunities for growth and development. This can help us to find fulfillment in the process of learning and growing, rather than solely focusing on the end goal of finding the perfect job.

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Finally, it is important to remember that our careers are just one aspect of our lives. While finding a fulfilling job is important, it is not the only source of happiness and fulfillment. We can also find joy in our relationships, hobbies, and other aspects of our lives.

In conclusion, the concept of a dream job may be a fallacy. While it is important to pursue work that aligns with our values and provides us with a sense of purpose, the pursuit of perfection can be limiting and may lead to unrealistic expectations. Instead of focusing on finding the perfect job, we can focus on developing our skills and pursuing new opportunities for growth and development. We can also find joy in other aspects of our lives, such as our relationships and hobbies. By adopting a more balanced and realistic approach, we can find greater happiness and fulfillment in our careers and in our lives as a whole.

Katherine Tanta – Community Manager and Impact Strategist


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